Fat Sal’s

Finally visited Fat Sal’s in person after playing some basketball at Wooden with Han, Kevin and Kenny. I’m lucky that this place opened after I graduated from UCLA and moved out of Westwood, or else I fear I would be even fatter than I am now (and that’s pretty damn fat). I can imagine Fat Sal’s being the perfect place to hit up after a late night out, which is what Buck Fifty used to be. But Fat Sal’s, located next to where Buck Fifty used to be (it took over the shack where the crappy sub place used to be), is a lot better. The ingredients are nothing amazing (and none homemade I think), but the amount of different ingredients they manage to stuff into each sandwich and the creativity of the combinations are nothing short of amazing. It’s like listening to a good mixtape or remix.

I ordered the Fat Sal, which is a sandwich with roast beef, mozzarella sticks, onion rings, fries, brown gravy, and mayo on a garlic hero. That’s a heart attack waiting to happen (good thing I played three hours of basketball beforehand). It was a very good sandwich. Again, nothing sexy, but just a awesome combination of delicious junk food items all together in one messy package. It definitely hit the spot. I also got to try a bite of the Fat Greek and the Fat Anthony, two good choices as well. One thing of note: some people on Yelp have mentioned that they consider the sandwiches to be on the pricey side (the fat sandwiches are $9), but the size of these behemoths need to be taken into consideration. I would like to try some of the other fat sandwiches, as well as other items on their pretty extensive menu. Nothing I would go out of my way for, but whenever I’m in Westwood I’ll consider giving Fat Sal’s another visit (or few).

Chris Hei grade: B-

Me: Fal Sal

Kevin: Fat Texas BBQ

Kenny: Fat Greek

Han: Fat Anthony

Fat Sal’s Deli
972 Gayley Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 208-5070

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